Dear Parent/Carer,
It is hard to believe that we are over half-way through the year and spring looks like it is just around the corner now. Following on from my previous letter the closed pathway will shortly be reopened as repairs are underway this week
The School Council have been meeting with me fortnightly, at our meetings the class representatives share the voice of the class and their role is to improve the day-to-day experience in school for the students and discuss issues that are important to them.
This half-term the children have chosen to focus on improving playtimes and have been discussing with the classes which equipment the children would like to have at break times and how we can create different zones to create a wider variety of activities.
The children also discussed in class what charities the classes would like to support, in one of our last meetings it was raised by the children that they would like to support Cancer research and it has been decided in support of The Little Princess Foundation and two of our wonderful students Ava in Year 3 and Letafet in Year 4 that on Red Nose Day (Friday 15th March) that the school would host a ‘Funky Hair Funday Friday’. On Friday 15th March the children are being asked to come to school wearing their hair in a creative way of their choice. The school council ask that you donate £2 on Parent Pay for taking part in the day and we will then transfer all the money raised to the Foundation. In addition, if children wish to wear ‘Red Noses’ on this day, they may also do this.

Please see a list of the key dates coming up for this half-term.
- Wed 6th March – Individual School Photographs
- Thurs 7th March – World Book Day
- Fri 8th March – Mother’s Day – Lucky Chocolate Bars
- Mon 11th March – Science Week – workshops for parents (see table below)
- Fri 15th March – Funky Hair Funday / Red Nose Day
- Mon 18th March – Year 4 class trip to Deptford Creek
- Fri 22nd March – PACE Event – Bunny Hop Bounce in the hall (letter to follow)
- Thurs 28th March – Break up for Easter (normal time – 3:15pm)
Science Day Workshops

Yours sincerely
Mrs R England | Principal