Staffing Update from September 2024

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Dear Parents and Carers,

I have the privilege of informing you about our staffing from September. But before I do, I need to let you know about staff leaving and joining us. 

Mrs Adams, our SENCO, who has supported so many children, many of those with Special Educational Needs, will no longer be working here at Eastcote from September.  We currently share her with Cherry Orchard Primary Academy and as of September Mrs Adams will resume her full work commitment there. We will very much miss her exceptional knowledge and the support she has given us for our children; it has been a great pleasure to work with her and we know she will be at the end of the phone if we ever need her.

We are very happy to be able to say, that Mrs Kenway who currently provides intervention support, will now take on the SENCO role and we are very pleased indeed that she is taking on this role for us, as she already knows the children so well.

With Mrs Kenway taking over the SENCO role, we interviewed for her replacement and have appointed Mrs Smith, as a HLTA to support with interventions. Mrs Smith comes with extensive experience working in schools and we very much look forward to welcoming her in September.

The staffing structure for September will be as follows:

  • Nursery: Mrs Stowell, Mrs Wickens and Mrs B Hall
  • Reception: Miss Kumar, Mrs Martin and Mr Brake
  • Year 1: Miss Davies and Mrs Cooper
  • Year 2: Miss Charley, Mrs Tolley and Mrs Smith
  • Year 3: Mr Thomas and Mrs Highgate
  • Year 4: Miss Deadman and Mrs Behic
  • Year 5 – Assistant Principal: Miss Lacy and Mrs S Hall
  • Year 6: Mrs Carter, Mrs K Hall and Miss Rochester
  • PPA: Mrs Chapman
  • SENCO: Mrs Kenway
  • HLTA and SEN Interventions: Mrs Smith
  • Sports Coach: Mr Brake
  • Spanish Teacher: Mrs S Hall
  • Vice Principal: Mrs K Hall
  • Principal: Mrs England

The children have all met their new teaching teams this morning. 

Mrs R England | Principal